
Thought Leadership
How local authorities can become catalysts for growth
Driving growth across the UK’s regions is one of the big challenges facing local and central government today. It is more important than ever that local authorities are equipped to intervene.
Date: 18 Sept 20

by Karle Burford
Director, Architecture

Thought Leadership
Building wellness
Designing for health and wellbeing has been a core focus among many higher education institutions for some time. As graduates move into the workplace, healthy office environments must be prioritised.
Date: 17 Mar 20

by Dominic Manfredi
Director, Architecture

Thought Leadership
Maximising sustainability with the intelligent application of technology
Maximising sustainability through regenerative design and the innovative use of technology is key to meeting the UK Green Building Council’s ambitious target for new and existing buildings.
Date: 13 Feb 20

by Karle Burford
Director, Architecture

Thought Leadership
An education in MMC
What are opportunities using MMC offers the education sector in meeting its tough building targets, and what is the architect’s role in delivering successful projects?
Date: 27 Apr 19

by Imran Kassim
Director, Architecture