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Chard Leisure Centre

Somerset, UK


project overview

Bringing new life and purpose to a neglected, urban site

Built on a formerly redundant, complex town centre site, Chard Leisure Centre and surrounding public realm supports the health and wellbeing of the local community by providing a much-needed leisure centre, as well as spaces for people to relax, socialise and meet.

As the only other leisure centre in the area had recently closed due to poor condition, out of date facilities, South Somerset Council were in urgent need of providing an alternative for the Chard community. To fulfil this need, we have designed a new state of the art leisure centre with a 25m swimming pool, fitness studios, gym, soft play area and cafe.

To further cement the area as a hub of community activity, around the leisure centre we have created a new vibrant public space with seating areas for the cafe to spill out onto and green spaces for people to come together and hold events in. The leisure centre is surrounded by colonnades, under which local markets can be held, boosting regional economy.

By introducing expansive walkways, new cycle routes and links to public transport, we have improved accessibility and connectivity to Chard town centre, ensuring that these spaces can be enjoyed by all.

The leisure centre is Phase One of a broader masterplan for the regeneration of Chard town centre. This regenerative masterplan includes a new, relocated library, a blend of commercial and residential developments, as well as repurposing a number of unused, historic buildings.

client commitment

Modern facilities to foster an inclusive and healthy borough

Chard Leisure Centre underpins South Somerset Council’s dedication to caring for their community, by providing high quality leisure services.

project aims

Prioritising community health

Many of the surrounding heritage buildings had laid empty for years, and without good transport links, the area was inaccessible to most.

At the time of development, the closure of the nearby Cresta pool had left a significant gap in facilities meaning that people had to travel to other towns such as Taunton or Yeovil, to visit a leisure centre or pool. In addition to this, the site of the previous pool was unsuitable for redevelopment, so any future leisure centre would have to be relocated.

Chard Leisure Centre provides the community with high quality leisure facilities, whilst complementing the surrounding historic buildings and rejuvenating the area by bringing visitors to the space.

Chard Ground Floor Sketch
Chard First Floor Sketch

design concept

Complementing and enhancing its historic setting

As the focal point of the site, the leisure centre opens out onto the newly developed Mill Yard, creating an active, safe and accessible public realm, drawing people to the area.

Positioning the gym and fitness studios on the first floor, meant that we could accommodate all leisure services whilst providing an abundance of outdoor space by creating a smaller building footprint.

The new leisure centre responds to the character of the site and local heritage, with the form taking reference from the surrounding saw tooth industrial buildings.

By selecting distinctive and vibrant red brick, we have echoed the materials of nearby listed buildings.

In the gym and fitness studios we have used large north facing roof lights which mimic the industrial buildings that had previously occupied the site. These fill the new building with an abundance of natural light whilst referencing Chard’s industrial heritage.

Large windows flood the pool hall with natural light, which as well as giving the space an open and welcoming feel, creates a direct visual connection with the community helping to promote an active lifestyle.

By including a red brick colonnade as part of the pool hall building we have created space for a community street market to take place on weekends, whilst providing shading to the highly glazed pool hall, reception and cafe area.


stakeholder engagement

Delivering an outstanding space in a ambitious timeframe

It was paramount that we delivered this leisure centre in a timely manner. Not only due to the urgent public need for these facilities, but we also needed to obtain planning permission in just 6 months. This was to enable the demolition of buildings that weren’t to be retained before bat roosting season began.

By undertaking extensive stakeholder engagement, we could deliver to this timescale. We held a launch event attended by 500 key stakeholders and members of the public, which confirmed to us which facilities would be welcomed and were needed.

Thank you to AHR for your hard work on taking forward the brief and the designs. There was a real “feel good” feeling about the council and its partners doing something really positive and of high quality to move Chard forward.”

Alex Parmley

Chief Executive, Somerset District Council


Respecting local history

The site has a notable past, with historic connections to the lace and aeronautical industry. Our design had to reflect the industrial character of its surroundings, as the site is part of a conservation area. We have carefully chosen a form, materials and colour palette, to retain the heritage of the space.

As part of our stakeholder engagement, we worked with Historic England throughout to help us understand the site’s storied history and produce a scheme that fits with and enriches the existing town.

key information

Project Summary


Fore Street, Chard, TA20 1PY


South Somerset Council






2000 m2


Swimming pool
Soft Play
60 station gym
Two fitness studios


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