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Network Rail Site Surveys

Various, UK

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project overview

Supporting Network Rail by delivering a range of specialist geomatic services

As part of a larger scheme which aims to collate information about their sites, review flood risk assessments and re-establish legal boundaries, Network Rail appointed our geomatic consultancy team to carry out a range of specialist services.

Network Rail owns and operates most of Britain’s rail infrastructure, which comprises approximately 20,000 miles of track, 32,000 bridges and tunnels, 2,500 stations and 8,200 commercial properties, making them the largest landowners in the UK.

While most of the stations are leased to train operators, Network Rail manages 20 of the largest stations alongside maintaining, renewing, replacing and enhancing the rail infrastructure.

Topo and drone
Drone close

vital information

Using sophisticated drone technology to gather detailed site data

To establish vital information regarding building orientations, boundaries, roads, and Network Rail’s temporary buildings, as well as the rail tracks and associated station buildings, we provided topographical surveys across all five appointed sites.

Using laser scanners, we were also able to gather detailed information from the rail and road bridges on the sites, without any disruption to the services.

At the client’s East London site, we used sophisticated drone technology and co-ordinated ground control points (GCP), to collate accurate information. This enabled us to create a scaled image of the entire site, which includes part of the 2012 Olympic Stadium on the North boundary, delivering an image of survey grade accuracies and tolerances.

We also carried out CCTV surveys at four of the sites, ensuring we provided a comprehensive picture of the client’s sites and associated assets.


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