Built upon almost two centuries of experience, our multi-service, multi-sector, and multi-geographical approach gives us a rare perspective on how to shape successful places.
services within Transport Infrastructure
- Architecture
- Building Consultancy
- Building Surveying
- Design and Contract Management
- Geomatic Consultancy
- Interior Design
- Landscape Design
- Masterplanning
- Principal Designer for CDM and CDM Client Advisor

Transpennine Route Upgrade
TRU Design Code

Network Rail Site Surveys

Farringdon Station

Kings Cross First Class Lounge

Smithfield Multi-Storey Car Park

Leicester Station

Safer Hull Paragon Hub

Stanley Street Car Park

Kings Cross Family Lounge

Stoke-on-Trent Railway Station

Victoria Square

Huddersfield Train Station

St Enoch
Manchester Airport Concorde Hangar

Heathrow Airport MSCP Terminal 2A
Manchester Airport Group Framework

The Hard Interchange

Coventry Railway Station

Crewe Station
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