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Stover Country Park

Devon, UK

project overview

Delivering sensitive restoration works to a historic gatehouse

To support Devon County Council in bringing the historic gatehouse at Stover Country Park in Devon back to life, we were appointed to support the planning application for extensive repair and restoration works.

The Georgian-designed park is home to a number of Grade II* and Grade II listed buildings including the gatehouse, temple, underground stables and a historic bridge.

As part of a wider scheme funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, sensitive repair and restoration works will improve the park for visitors and the local community. Funding for the scheme has been secured by the Council who own the park.

We developed design proposals up to RIBA stage 3 for the stables and temple, but these were not included in the National Lottery Heritage Fund application due to the complexities surrounding the ownership of the buildings, which were beyond the Council’s control.


Specialist surveys

Protecting the historic site with non-intrusive surveys

Our geomatic consultancy team undertook laser scans and measured surveys of the Grade II* Listed Souterrain Stables, Grade II* Listed Granite Gatehouse and Ionic Temple.

The unusual underground stable, home to four rare bat species, required careful surveying to avoid disturbing the bats while enabling necessary repairs to their habitat.

Laser scanners, chosen for their non-intrusive, efficient, and accurate nature, were ideal as they required no lighting, which suited the site’s dark conditions. An ecologist monitored the process to ensure minimal disruption and red lighting was used to guide the team safely.

The parks iconic gatehouse and railings 3000px
A wealth of greenry covers the stables 3000px
The iron gates are showing signs of corrosion 3000px
Our model shows intricate details of the arches
The stables are home to a rare bat species 3000px
Damaged ironwork will be repaired 3000px
Greenery is in abunance at the park 3000px

The parks iconic gatehouse and railings

A wealth of greenery covers the stables

The iron gates are showing signs of corrosion

Our model shows intricate details of the arches

The stables are home to rare bat species

Damaged ironwork will be repaired

Greenery is in abundance at the park

Restoration works

Sensitively repairing the historic gatehouse

The work to restore the gatehouse will include roof repairs, new rainwater goods, the replacement of external windows and doors as well as the removal of the suspended floor timbers to make way for a beam and block concrete floor.

Additionally, following consultation with Historic England, works will be undertaken to completely overhaul the existing metal gates and railings to the gatehouse, including the repair and reinstatement of missing elements in genuine wrought iron.

Designs have also been careful to consider the historic Ring Pull which is still in situ on the site. This would have previously been used to call the lodge keeper, under Historic England guidance, it was decided that it would be beneficial if this feature could be retained.
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Protecting the wildlife and woodland on site

In addition to the bats, Stover Country Park has 114 acres of woodland, lake and marsh, heathland, grassland and a huge variety of wildlife – including being designated a dragonfly hotspot by the British Dragonfly Society.

To ensure the works do not disturb the wildlife and for us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the nearby trees and their roots, we commissioned arboricultural and ecology reports to understand any risks or impact our work might have.


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